You just finished grinding away on that project, satisfied with your work, pleased even! Then, your employer comes in and finds something wrong with your work. No matter how minor the flaw is, it can be both sad and frustrating when you cannot completely please your employer. It may even seem impossible to please them. We wish there were a magic button to make your employer always pleased, but unfortunately, we have to put in the work ourselves and figure out why our employer is not pleased and how to meet their expectations!
Interested in pleasing your employer? Here are some tips on how to meet your employers’ expectations:
Seek Constructive Feedback
It is frustrating when your employer says you are not meeting expectations but does not tell you why. Do not be afraid to ask your employer for specific feedback. The last thing your employer would want to do is leave you in the dark. Your fellow employees may also have issues meeting employer expectations, so do not be scared to ask them as well. To learn more about receiving constructive feedback, take a peek at our previous blog post!
Understand Job Descriptions
You may not be meeting expectations because you are not ready for the responsibilities your employer requires. When applying, the official job titles can sometimes be too vague and not adequately spell out what your role would actually entail. Be sure to read the job description of every job you apply for. That way, you know what you are getting yourself into with each new job!
Seek Clarity During Interviews
If you find the job description too difficult to understand, just ask! You can ask a hiring manager via email or even during an interview. The question can be as simple as, “What are the expectations for this position?” An employer would much rather you ask for clarification during the interview than after hiring you. Asking for clarification shows that you are putting in an effort to evaluate this position and learn more about the organization.

Continue Professional Development
If your employer is unhappy with your skills, then it is time to improve them! You may not have received adequate training that you thought you would receive. Consider asking your employer for more training. If not possible, consider looking for online training courses and seminars to increase your knowledge and skills. There is always more to learn; never think it is too late just because you have a job now. If you want to know more about what key skills employers look for, check out our skill gap guide!
Set Realistic Goals
You do not have to win over your employer instantly. It may take time to improve and demonstrate your skills effectively; do not beat yourself up too much. Your employer hired you for a reason: they saw potential in you and want to see that potential reached. We should keep our chin held high and show them not just the potential they saw in us, but to go above and beyond our potential!
Want to impress your employer? Connect with us at Wrights Resumes and Connections to surpass all your employers’ expectations!