At your last job, you may have felt that your skills were not utilized to the fullest and that you could have been offering more, or you may have been overwhelmed at your last job, feeling that the skills you were being asked to use were not up to snuff. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a job that uses your skills to their full potential, making you feel valued and confident? Well, here are some tips for finding a job matching your skills!
Identify Transferable Skills
Transferable skills are different from technical skills, which are more knowledge- and task-based, while transferable skills are more adaptable and versatile, and can be applied to many types of jobs. Some examples of transferable skills are communication, time management, teamwork, etc. Identify what transferable skills you have and what jobs will utilize those skills to the fullest. If you are unsure about what transferable skills you have, you can use some online tools to find out!
Consider Skill Assessment Tools
There are plenty of free online tools and tests you can use to find out what skills you excel at, and what specific roles would be best suited for your skillset. These tools are good for helping people who are unsure of what jobs they should be applying for. Be sure to take multiple tests to confirm accurate results. Some tools or tests can be inaccurate; you do not want to base your results on one poorly designed test.
Craft Targeted Resume
While creating a resume targeted towards specific roles will make your resume less versatile, it will strengthen it for the roles you are currently applying for. When a hiring manager reads a resume and can tell it was crafted for their specific position, and not just part of a mass application process, it creates the impression of a passionate and hard-working candidate. Also, creating a target cover letter will help strengthen your application even further. If you want more help with your resume, we offer help here!
Utilize Niche Job Boards
The big-name job boards have such large brand recognition nowadays that we do not often consider the smaller, tighter-focused job boards. The large job boards may have countless options, but most are for jobs you would not even consider applying for. Job boards for specific industries and roles will have fewer total jobs, but more jobs that you desire. If you have trouble finding specific job boards, it is time for some networking!
Use Network Connections
Your network connections are a great asset to consider in the job search. They likely know your strengths and weaknesses; thus, they will have great ideas on what types of jobs would best match your skillset. They may also put in a good word for potential hiring managers, giving you a leg up in the job hunt. Remember, you are not alone during the job hunt!
Want more help finding the perfect job for you? Connect with us at Wrights Resumes and Connections to finally land that dream position!